Number S008
BP 500
SP +3
Mary Spider [M.Arachnid]
Keeps one Frozen character Frozen for another turn.
Backup : Terry, Seth, Vanessa
Advice :
Unfortunately, Blue Mary is less of a threat than she was before. Too many powerhouses, methods to snake abilities, and RE cards that un-Freeze characters ruin an otherwise killer power. Blue Mary is a fair card: 500 SP and 3 SP are all good stats to have. She is also an excellent card to have for her Mary Arachnid: the built-in version of the 'Double' AC effect. You sacrifice Mary's turn to keep an enemy heavy-hitter frozen another turn. And when Mary recovers (if she hasn't been hit with Double), she can KEEP that heavy-hitter stalled ANOTHER turn. And ANOTHER. (until you feel like it, or unleash Evil Ryu on them). Mary works better if you have Rimururu (T), the Puppet AC, or the Ryuunen RE cards as they set the enemy up for a Mary Spider.